Actions for CO2 reduction
- Intrapresa always considers solutions that enable CO2 reduction. Below are the choices adopted:
- switching off the lights in the office at night; turning down the air conditioning and/or heating; switching off all unnecessary devices
- Reducing the use of fossil fuels
- reducing the amount of waste generated in the office area: for example, we do not use disposable coffee cups, sticks or capsules. In fact, we have a communal kitchen where each employee can prepare his or her own coffee.
- the reduction of printings; reuse and recycling of all print-related products
- every device and tool is used correctly in order to avoid premature wear and tear. We encourage our employees to use car sharing and public transport to reduce emissions
- We encourage a more ecological and environmentally friendly way of working: for example, where possible, to avoid travel and emissions, we opt for web-based video conferences to talk to our customers.

Social and environmental responsibility
- Below are the actions that Intrapresa implements in respect of social and environmental responsibility:
- To reduce the environmental impact of wood extraction, only FSC or PEFC certificates are used for all wood-based materials. To ensure good health conditions for employees, wood articles that limit pollutant emissions are used.
- only non-toxic products for interior paints and coatings are used
- articles that limit pollutant emissions are used
- The total waste produced in 2023 amounts to: KG 75,990. The percentage of waste recovered in 2023 is 80%.
- Intrapresa only uses suppliers of forwarding agents with ISO 14001 and CO2 emission certificate
- For packaging, only IPPC FAO FITOK certified wood is used and for cardboard only biodegradable articles according to EN 13432/2005

Waste Management Plan
Intrapresa adopts a waste management plan to be implemented in the operational phase during project development and throughout the construction phase. The management of waste generated by production activities follows the environmental regulations of Legislative Decree 152/2006.
- The Waste Management Plan covers the following points in particular:
- analysis of waste and surplus materials
- definition of the goals of waste management at project level including the re-use of existing materials on site to be re-used at a later stage of construction
- methods of prevention, re-use, and recycling
- waste management procedures
- waste storage procedures
- waste disposal procedures
- waste control and record keeping
Intrapresa considers the reduction of waste to be its responsibility and, for this reason, only uses materials that are strictly necessary and which it ensures are properly stored in order to minimise the occurrence of damage. Furthermore, Intrapresa ensures that its subcontractors respect the management of the same waste equally.